Every Patient Participation Group (PPG) is unique, as it meets the needs of the local community. The PPG will work with the Surgery to offer patients’ views on the services that are provided.
What is Patient Participation?
Patient participation is patients working with the surgery to:
- Contribute to the continuous improvement of services
- Improved communication between the Surgery and its patients
- Help patients to take more responsibility for their health
- Provide practical support and help to make changes
What Are the Benefits of a Patient Participation Group?
- Patients will be more responsible for their own health
- Patients will have a better understanding and knowledge of the Surgery and its staff
- Patients will be consulted about arrangements for their primary healthcare before decisions are made
- Patients will benefit from improved communication with staff
- Patients will have a forum to suggest positive ideas and voice concerns.
What Can a Patient Participation Group Do?
- Offer feedback on the patient perspective
- Help the surgery to make the most effective use of their resources
- Improve communication
- Help to promote good health
- Influence decisions about which services are provided
- Offer practical support to the Surgery
The Bigger Picture
The NHS Plan in 2000 emphasized the importance of patient and public involvement so that the NHS can better shape services around the needs of the patient, their families and their carers.
More information about Patient Participation Groups in general can be found at the National Association of Patient Participation www.napp.org
Patient Participation Group Application
Cornerstone Practice PPG Report March 2012
Cornerstone Practice PPG Report March 2013
Cornerstone Practice PPG Report March 2014
Cornerstone Practice PPG Report March 2015
Bentham Road Health Centre PPG Report March 2012
Bentham Road Health Centre PPG Report March 2013
Bentham Road Health Centre PPG Report March 2014